Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Big Friggin' Robots

So if you guys recall I posted this like a year ago as a project I needed to get done.

Painting = complete. Going to build his base tomorrow. Thinking I'll do an industrial sewage looking rock outcropping thing. Should be fun.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Boy this hobby can get away from you at times

I've always been the kind of guy who's productivity comes in great spurts. I'll go a month where I only sleep 3 hours a day, and I get a ton accomplished, then I'll just hit a wall for like say half a year and not even want to get out of bed.
Luckily I am feeling productive again. A friend at our game haunt asked me to paint something for him and I had just finished a birthday gift for another friend. So in the intermediary, I almost finished the most painstakingly detailed squad I've ever done, and half a dozen elves for a friend's Mordeheim team.
So here is the lizardman I took a commission to paint. I'll get photos of other things when they are 100% done but I felt the need to share because it's been 5 months. So the base isn't done, but I plan to get some fronds and such to make it look jungley from a guy who's been basing his Tau army that way.