Monday, December 23, 2013

Turquoise is a fun color.

I have been obsessed with it lately. It just contrasts and compliments so many other colors so well because its not quite green but its not quite blue.

Anyway, this is just a quick update. Got this done for a friend. Last one finished before Christmas! Whoo!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Kawaii Desu~~

Super Dungeon Explore's miniatures are just way too damn cute and I love them.

Note the bases are not painted on a few of them. Reason being last Thursday when I was working on these, I painted the ones people wanted to use in our game while one of the players was in the middle of his Warhammer match. Figured I'd just get through as many as possible.

Also turns out I found a technique I like a lot. When you base things with a pure white primer, applying washes directly to it can give you really neat bright color effects for utilizing shaded hair, cloth and the like. I did it with both the Riftling Rogue's hair by washing it purple and the Glimmerdusk Ranger's shawl by washing it turquoise. Was simply a matter of reapplying white highlights afterward, and boom. Done.

Their eyes are a llittle more complicated than I'd done on any other model because they are so large and unlike the Druid, weren't just little beady black slats. Ideally I aim for something similar to this with the more realistic models I do truth be told. Putting color in the bottom half and applying a white tiny dot in the top of the pupil goes a llong way toward making eyes look realistic. Its cartoony here because of the eyeball size in relations to the rest of the head but it works great when you can pull it off with more realistic miniatures. Give it a try!

Monday, December 9, 2013


I've been so swamped, I haven't had time to update my blog. The worst part is, I didn't even remember to take photos of some of the things I've done recently and that is quite sad indeed.

So we'll just skip to what I'm doing now. The guy I did the purple marine for, with the jetpack and wing helm? I am doing up all his miniatures for this really awesome board game called "SUPER Dungeon Explore!" I am totally in love with the game and the game's pieces.

The first guy I decided to work on was the Druid guy because he was my favorite of the two I played as in our game. Also he is technically two models as he can turn into a bear, which is my next project.

First off, painting chibi anime figures is a trip. Throw out all you know about highlighting 40k minis. To make it look cartoony, you have to do most of it yourself instead of letting the different types of paints do the lions share of the work. I only used shade paints on the skin to darken up his joints and the key Sepia wash on the fur to make it look mote organic than if I'd washed it black like I usually do with white. It was a straight sepia wash twice to darken up the fur, as I'd primed the model white. I love the results.

I can't wait to do the rest of the set!