I wanted my jetfighter to stand apart from my dark talon, as I've mentioned. They are very similarly shaped after all and while there are definitely a fair number of difference between the models, I didn't want them to look just samey.
As I said the other day, I wanted WHITE wings. And trying to make it white, I couldn't make it smooth with brush strokes. So, I masked and sprayed each wing.
Used my hobby knife to cut the masking tape into shape. Was pretty easy with how the wings are raised out a bit.
Rather than go with grey granite wings, I wanted to go with a white marble look. You guys be the judge of how well I did. (I know I could do better, but I never practiced this first. Whoops.)
It still looks cool, and usually cool gets a passing grade from me. I definitely did better with the right wing (so photo left).
You can also see the start of the red/white striping often seen in the artwork in the book whenever Ravenwing are shown. Here's the example of the actual Jetfighter picture in the book. Sorry it's so tiny, but it was the only image of it I could find with a Google search. My google-fu is lacking.
I plan to keep that up all through the sections freehanded with a white stripe (so other wing and on the tip of the canopy) just like in the picture. I won't be doing the gold trim on the wings because 1) that would be a lot of work and 2) I don't like the way that'd look. I might be convinced into doing it depending on how well the striping goes, though, because it might need a bit of that shine to make it stop looking like a giant candy cane.
I also made the tip of the tailfin red with a big white strike under it. That should make it sufficiently plane-like. I am hoping my brother who's an army helicopter pilot and other brother who's an air force programmer approve.
But, alack, I am done for the day. Too tired, and it's a bit past midnight. Will try to finish it up tomorrow. Stay tuned!
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