Monday, September 23, 2013

Nephilim Jetfighter FINALE! ... Okay, not really.

So, the jetfighter is done. It also performed very well in the first match in it's 100% painted state, blowing up a drop pod and about 4 terminators in two turns on the board.

So why do I not have pictures of it to show you today? Two very good reasons. 1: the jet itself is 100% painted, but the base is not and I want to get it done so you can see it in all my intended glory for it. 2: My newest roommate is a professional photographer! He saw me working on stuff one night and thought it'd be cool to take photos and stage some scenes with them.

I agree. Tentatively set for "some time this weekend." So I better bust my butt and get that base finished.

Too bad my figurine ADHD set in and I started work on another project of mine. It's the Sableclaw, the land speeder of Dark Angels Captain Sammael, leader of the Ravenwing. It's one of the two options he's got for you to run him as. It's also easy enough to tell whomever you're playing against "So, this is just gonna be a regular land speeder this game, so none of the weapons are twin-linked." I love getting multiple uses out of the same model.

I got the base coat done, the drybrushing to pop out the black, and a fair bit of base coating for colorful parts of the model finished like reds, metallics, whites, that sort of thing. I've also finished the face on good ol' Sammael, which is the real reason I feel like posting today. It looks good.

Sorry I kind of blew his face out with the lighting, but I'm lazy and didn't feel like spending the time setting up a good photograph on an unfinished model.

Last thought on the modeling: I'm sure you notice the red helmet on the gunner. I thought it'd be cool to make the gunner something a little more unique than just another ho-hum ravenwing marine so I made it a Techmarine. Figured the red would pop with the rest of the black on the model just like red weaponry tends to do, and I figured right.

I'll keep y'all updated!

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