Friday, January 31, 2014

Red Scorpions Apothecary

So I decided I needed a codex astartes marines chapter rather than one of the non-complient chapters like Dark Angels. Right when I decided this, Forgeworld released rules for chapter tactics for all the Badab War chapters.

Immediately thought I should do Red Scorpions, whom I always thought were cool anyway. Love the color scheme, love their rules. They can bring an Apothecary as a sergeant in every tactical squad meaning its that much harder peeling a scoring unit off their objectives. Plus, it means I have to kitbash and custom-ish build every last Sgt. I want to do which appeals to me. Also one of their named HQs is a really powerful psychic character who can eliminate the randomness element to which powers he brings, which is one of the stupidest things in 40k. "Hey, I'm a really powerful wizard psyker and I somehow don't know what spells I know." Sometimes, GW, random is not better.

First thing I did was order the Legiones Apothecarion detachment. Used the Mk4 armored guy as my first Scorpion because they are known for fielding their guys in that pattern armor.

Only thing not done is I am going to order some transfer sheets for shoulderpads and for vehicles once I eventually do some of those. So, that blank black shoulder is going to have a white circle trimmed in yellow with a red scorpion in the middle.

Edit: Took some more photos, tried to make it look a little better. Not sure I succeeded or not, but I am not really a photographer so sue me.

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