Simply chiming in to say I'm still alive, still kicking, and still working on stuff. Mom was getting worried. (Not really, but it's fun to think that.)
I've taken January more or less off because I burnt myself out in the Christmas Rush a little. Been playing a lot of video games in the meantime, which has been a great change of pace.
BUT I PROMISE YOU THIS! I am going to get stuff done in February. This post is proof.
Things I have to get done:
-Finish Colin's WW2 airplane. This one I actually should finish before February begins.
-Finish 5 mostly painted Dire Avengers.
-Assemble, paint 5 more Dire Avengers.
-Paint Wave Serpent.
-Assemble, paint 10 man Red Scorpions Tactical Squad.
-Paint 2 Storm Boys.
-Assemble, paint Mortis-Pattern Contemptor Dreadnought.
-Finish painting part of "The Knights of the Round." (personal project with Dark Angels, only have one done so far and another half finished)
And now just because I want to, RANT TIME.
Warhammer 40k is a lot of things. It's also a poorly written game filled with lots of rules gaps, and strikes me as something never meant for competitive tournament level play. It seems to me a game you're meant to play with a brother or son or best friend around a table you built in order to flesh out some epic battles. However, as any game with any level of competition and money involved as Warhammer, it brings out those kinds of people who have to win at all costs.
Those kinds of people are ruining the game.
The level of cheating that goes on blows my mind. "Rules lawyering" is a term gamers have thrown around for years, mostly meaning the kinds of people who miss the intention of the game and decide they can get away with something totally broken and overpowered and unfun for their opponent all in the name of winning. To me, the fun of competition comes almost solely from the people you play with and against. Doing things like this is a good way, in any other sport/hobby/game, of never having people to play against. However, 40k is an expensive and pretty niche game so we're all kind of stuck playing against people like that if we even want to play at all.
I am very fortunate that in person, we have a large group of guys and we don't really have anyone who's that way. We have very competitive people, for sure, but they aren't fielding lists specifically because of absurd rules or lack of specification in those rules. That said, the number of literal insane people online when you ask rules questions is hilarious and upsetting. It makes me wonder if 40k attracts people with Asperger's and other socially awkward illnesses.
It also makes me want to give up the game. I'm pretty much done with it anyway because even when played properly, it's not terribly fun. Spending months on end getting a force done just to have it wiped off the table because dice rolls are fickle is poor game design, in my eyes. Luck determines far too much of the game while skill and strategy play second fiddle.