Sunday, November 17, 2013

Christmas Gifts!

Welp, looks like I got my first miniature done as a Christmas gift done up quickly. I worked on it a lot last night, so that's why. Make sure you go read my previous post before this one, seeing as I published it like two hours ago or something. Productivity comes in waves, I swear.

This guy was a blast to kit bash. Zack and I spent maybe 30 to 45 minutes just rummaging through parts to come up with the idea for this guy, which is to say captain of his 8th company. He is going with a pre-heresy Emperor's Children color scheme, and is saying its a faction of that chapter who remained loyal, and is therefore Codex Astartes compliant. (If you are reading this and lost, don't worry. This is legit nerd stuff.)

Their symbol was a wing that ended in a claw. I realized awhile ago many symbols on my Ravenwing guys were essentially that because whenever they had the eagle wing on something not holding the sword that usually part of the symbol, it ended up looking like exactly that. We took the helmet out of the Ravenwing Command Squad box and you'll notice its the same as the one my champion is wearing from a few posts prior.

The claw and hammer set up was Zack's idea as he just liked the weapon combination. Its pretty nasty on the table top because it turns him into an all-comers close combat warrior. Its also extremely costly points wise, but hey cool captains are more important to imagine than to actually run. We searched high and low in his Vanguard Veterans box and grey knights kits to find the rest of the gear, I believe. His right shoulder was out of the Sternguard Veterans box, and we're not even sure where the Mk6 studded shoulder on the other side came from as it was half painted already when we put it on. Basically, anything with an Aquila or that looked like it'd be pretty in gold, we put on him. The emperor's children turned to chaos out of their own pride so making sure his captains are really coordinates and gaudy was important.

For the base, I thought it'd look cool if he was at the highest point on an outcropping of rock, as if he was about to leap. It looks great, but I fear it wont last. The cork board I use for rock looks great, but is really flimsy so there is a good chance it breaks some day. Plus, posing him this way made the model extremely top heavy so I had to glue two washers to the bottom for weight instead of my usual just one.

Still, I think the end result speaks for itself. The only thing I want to add is his name on the scroll on his right shoulder and something else on the white part on his right leg, but my thinnest brush is not holding a point very well anymore and I also need to talk with Zack about what we're going to name him.

Next up: Drazhar, Dark Eldar inccubi bad-ass.

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